Why you should own Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is hope.

Hope to make money.
Hope to save money.
Hope for a better money.
Hope for a free market.
Hope to feel financially secure.
Hope to feel financially safe.
Hope for less inequality.
Hope to suppress governmental power.
Hope for smaller militaries.
Hope for less wars.

Hope for a better life. Hope for a better world.

All of this hope is attached to a open-source software with 99.9% uptime that is consensus-dependent on a community where each individual benefits from the continued function of the software.

If you can't see the value in that....there's no hope for you...

submitted by /u/wattzson
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from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet https://ift.tt/o7ROU4d

from Earning Money & Investing Online with BitcGuide https://ift.tt/8DLqVJ9
via BitcGuide


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